مقالات 2015





In Vitro Toxic Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Rat Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells


20 - 1 -   2015


Extended Low Anterior Resection with a Circular Stapler in Patients with Rectal Cancer: a Single Center Experience


21 - 2 -   2015


The Effect of G2 Adjuvant on Gene Expression and Delivery of NKG2D Receptor on NK Cells in Peripheral Blood


22 - 3 -   2015


Comparison between the effects of one-day treatment regimen with cisplatin on renal function and various biochemical parameters in patients with gastric and lung cancer compared with two-days divided cisplatin treatment regimen


23 - 4 -   2015


Relationship between the ABO blood groups and Breast cancers/uploads/70/2024/Jun/15/Increase of CD69 CD161 and CD94 on.pdf


24 - 5 -   2015


Assessment of Relationship between Wilms’ Tumor Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood of Acute Leukemia Patients and Serum IL-12 and C3 Levels


25 - 6 -   2015


Correlation of KI-67/MIB-1 in the Papillary Macro and Micro-carcinomas of the Thyroid Gland with the Prognosis of the Patients


26 - 7 -   2015


Ellagic acid improves hyperalgesia and cognitive deficiency in 6-hydroxidopamine induced rat model of Parkinson’s disease


27 - 8 -   2015


Ellagic Acid Protects the Brain Against 6-Hydroxydopamine Induced Neuroinflammation in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease


28 - 9 -   2015


Expression Optimizing and Purification of Recombinant Human Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Produced in E. coli Strain BL21


29 - 10 - 2015


Increased P-35, EBI3 Transcripts and Other Treg Markers in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Breast Cancer Patients with Different clinical Stages


30 - 11 - 2015


Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of Pelvic Cavity in a 17- Year- Old Girl with Previous History of Wilms’ Tumor: A Case Report


31 - 12 - 2015


Kinetic characterization of lactate dehydrogenase in normal and malignant human breast tissues


32 - 13 - 2015


Mortality and Morbidity and Disease Free Survival after D1 and D2 Gastrectomy for Stomach Adenocarcinomas


33 - 14 - 2015


Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in local Advanced Gastric cancer


34 - 15 - 2015


Radiation sensitization with sodium nitrite in patients with brain metastases: a pilot randomized controlled trial


35 - 16 - 2015


The Effect of the Oral Itraconazole on the Management of Allergic Fungal Sinusitis


36 - 17 - 2015


Time depended Bcl‑2 inhibition might be useful for a targeted drug therapy


37 - 18- 2015


A Domain-Driven Classification Model to Early Detection of Individuals Having High Risk to Develop Colorectal Cancer


38 - 19 - 2015


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