مقالات 2019




3-Bromopyruvate potentiates TRAILinduced apoptosis in human colon cancer cells through a reactive oxygen species- and caspase-dependent mitochondrial pathway


74  - 1-  2019


Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Vs Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy on the Number of Lymph Nodes in Patients with Gastric Cancer


75  - 2-  2019


A full quantitative analysis of 18 MV photon beam from 2100 C/D-Varian clinical linear accelerator with and without flattening filter


76  - 3-  2019


Combination of Statins and NSAIDs as a Potential Novel Addition to the Limited Anti-Breast Cancer Weaponry: A True Synergistic Model


77  - 4-  2019


E ects of Quercetin-Loaded Nanoparticles on MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells


78  - 5- 2019


How can someone’s entire skin change color


79  - 6- 2019


Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Vs Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy on the Number of Lymph Nodes in Patients with Gastric Cancer


             80 - 7- 2019


Synthesis, cytotoxicity, apoptosis and molecular docking studies of novel phenylbutyrate derivatives as potential anticancer agents


81  - 8- 2019


The Radioprotective Effect of Combination of Melatonin and Metformin on Rat Duodenum Damage Induced by Ionizing Radiation: A Histological Study


82  - 9- 2019


The Relation between Two Gene Polymorphisms XRCC1 and OGG1and Risk Factors of Colorectal Cancer in Khuzestan, Iran


83 - 10- 2019






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